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Azure Administration

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Course Content


AZ-104-Microsoft Azure Administrator

Module 1: Introduction to Cloud computing

Understanding different Cloud Models

Advantages of Cloud Computing

Different Cloud Services

Cloud vendors

What is Cloud Computing

History & Fundamentals of Cloud Computing


Cloud Architecture

Types of Cloud

Cloud Service Models




Module 2: Microsoft Azure Platform

Introduction to Azure

Azure Features

Azure Services

Azure Management Portal

Azure Advantages

Managing Azure with the Azure portal

Managing Azure with Windows PowerShell

Overview of Azure Resource Manager

Azure management services

Module 3: Microsoft Azure Subscriptions

Assign administrator permissions

Configure cost center quotas and tagging

Configure Azure subscription policies at Azure subscription level

Types of subscriptions

Module 4: Create Storage accounts and Store the files

What is the storage account?

Types of storage accounts

Types of storages (Blob,file,table,queue)

Create blob container

How to create file storage and upload the files.

How to deploy the static site in blob storage?

How to deploy static application in storage account

Module 5: Implementing and managing Azure networking

Overview of Azure networking

Implementing and managing Azure virtual networks

Configuring Azure virtual networks

Configuring Azure virtual network connectivity

What is subnet

Classes of IP address (Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D)

Module 6: Implementing virtual machines

Overview of Azure Resource Manager virtual machines

Planning for Azure virtual machines

Deploying Azure Resource Manager virtual machines

IP address

Assign the Dynamic and static IP address

Module 7: Managing Virtual Machines

Configuring virtual machines

Configuring virtual machine disks

Managing and monitoring Azure virtual machines

How to add the disks to VM?

How to extend the disks?

How to change the Site of VM

Module 8: Create, Manage and deploy the applications in VM(Azure)

Create VM with windows OS

Install IIS servers

Host .NET applications on IIS

Enable the Network security gateway to access to access the site from outside.

Create VM with Linux

Deploy the apache tomcat server

Deploy Java application.

Module 9: Implementing Azure App Services

Introduction to App Service

Planning app deployment in App Service

Implementing and maintaining web apps

Create the .NET/Java/PHP web apps

Monitoring web apps and Web Jobs.

Implementing mobile apps

Module 10: Planning and implementing storage, backup, and recovery services

Planning storage

Implementing backup and restore the files and folders

Implementing VM backups.

Implementing VM restore.

Implementing Azure Backup

Planning for and implementing Azure Site Recovery

Module 11: Planning and implementing Azure SQL Database

Planning and deploying Azure SQL Database

Implementing and managing Azure SQL Database

Managing Azure SQL Database security

Monitoring Azure SQL Database

Managing Azure SQL Database business continuity

Migrate the on-premises DB to Azure cloud

Create database in on-premises and synch with azure cloud

Module 12: Implementing PaaS cloud services

Planning and deploying PaaS cloud services

Managing and maintaining cloud services

Deploying a PaaS cloud service

Configuring deployment app services Deployment slots.

Monitoring cloud services

Module 13: Configuring alert and metrics for VM /App services

Managing and configuring alerts in Azure could

Deploying a alerts for cloud app service

Deploying alertsfor VM.

Monitoring cloud services

Module 14: Implementing Azure Active Directory

Creating and managing Azure AD tenants

Configuring application and resource access with Azure AD

Create multiple directories.

Create the domains

Overview of Azure AD Premium

Administering Active AD

Configuring Multi-Factor Authentication

Module 15: Managing Active Directory in a could environment

Migrating on-perm active directory users to Azure could.

Configuring directory synchronization

Synchronizing directories

Module 16: Manage resource groups

use Azure policies for resource groups

configure resource locks

configure resource policies

identify auditing requirements

implement and set tagging on resource groups

move resources across resource groups

remove resource groups

Module 17: Managed role based access control (RBAC)

create a custom role

configure access to Azure resources by assigning roles

configure management access to Azure, troubleshoot RBAC, implement RBAC policies, assign RBAC Roles

Module 18: Traffic manager

Introduction to Traffic manager

Routing methods(Priority,Weighted,Performance,Geographic)

How to configure different routing methods

What is end point

How to add the servers to traffic manager?

Module 19: Backup and restore operations

How to take application backup

Perform backup and restore operations for VM.

Perform backup and restore operations for File storage.

Module 20: PowerShell

What is windows PowerShell.

Advantages of PowerShell.

What is the Azure CLI?

How to automate the activities using azure CLI (PowerShell).

Module 21: Storage Solutions

Azure Storage and replication types

Storage account types

General-purpose v1 (GPv1)

Blob storage

General-purpose v2 (GPv2)

Storage replication types

Locally Redundant Storage

Zone Redundant Storage

Geo-redundant Storage

Azure Blob Storage

Access tiers




Azure Table Storage

Creating a storage account

Uploading data to Azure Table Storage

Azure Queue Storage

Azure File Storage

Azure Disk Storage

Standard Disk Storage

Premium Disk Storage

Unmanaged versus Managed Disks


STORSIMPLE Virtual Array

STORSIMPLE 8000 Series

Cosmos DB Storage

Azure Search

Azure SQL Database

SQL Server Stretch Database

High availability

Active geo-replication

Module 22: Administration

VM storage

Configure Disk Caching

Plan Storage Capacity

Configure Operating System Disk Redundancy

Configure Shared Storage Using Azure File Service

Encrypt Disks

Azure Storage Blobs and Azure Files

Read Data, Change Data, Set Metadata On A Container

Store Data Using Block And Page Blobs

Stream Data Using Blobs

Access Blobs Securely

Implement A sync Blob Copy

Configure a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Design Blob Hierarchies

Configure Custom Domains

Scale Blob Storage

Azure SQL Databases

Choose the Appropriate Database Tier and Performance Level

Configure Point-in-time Recovery, Geo-replication, and Data Sync

Module 23: ARM

What is ARM Template?

Advantages of ARM templates.

How to create multiples VM using ARM template?

Module 24: Terraform

What terraform

Advantages of terraform



Deploy solutions using Terraform template

Module 25: GitHub-Microsoft

What is GitHub?

Integrate GitHub with appservice/application

GitHub advantages.

Clone GitHub to location computer.

MicroSoft Azure DevOps (AZ 400)

MicroSoft Azure DevOps Concepts (SAAS)

Module 1: Introduction to Azure Cloud Computing

Understanding Cloud Computing

Benefit and Feature of Cloud Computing

Explain on Platform as a Service (PaaS), SaaS, IaaS

Cloud Trends

Public and Private Cloud

Principles of Parallel and Distributed Computing

Depth explain on Virtualization

Architecture of Cloud Computing

Module 2: Getting Start with Microsoft Azure Devops portal

Overview of Microsoft Azure

Explains on Azure Platform

Getting Access to Azure

Explain on Azure Resource Manager

Using Azure Portal

Manage Azure using Azure Portal

Manage Azure using Power Shell

Understanding on Management Services

Create and View Resources

Explain on Azure services

Module 3: Working with Azure App Service

Overview of App Service

Deployment in App Service

Deploy and maintaining web Apps

Configuring app with deployment slots

Configuring the app with DevOps.

Module 4: Introduction Azure DevOps

Azure Boards(Agile)

Azure Repos

Azure Pipelines

Azure Artifacts

Azure Test Plan

Module 5: CI/CD Process Using Vsts and Azure

Task Creation Based on the Application Repository

Create the CI Process

Build Setup

Authenticate Build to Azure Web service

Failover Mechanism

Test Cases Build

Build alerts Configuration

IAAS Deployments

PAAS Deployments

Alerts Configuration Using Azure

Build And deployments through PowerShell

Module 6: Source Control Management (SCM)

Version controlling mechanism using Azure Repos

Branching & merging strategy

Various branching & merging strategies and their scenarios

Module 7: GitHub

What is GitHub

How to manage the code in GitHub

Manage and deploy the code in GitHub

Manage the .NET and Java code in GitHub.

Module 8: Continuous Integration (CI)

Continuous Integration using Azure Pipelines

Pipeline creation



Code Coverage

Gated Builds

Best Practices

Module 9: Continuous Deployment (CD)

Deployment Pipeline using Azure Pipelines

Automation of Application Configuration (web.config, app.configete)

Automated workflows for Deployments

Gated Deployments

Integration with Artifact management


One-click deployment

Module 10: Release Management

Release Automation using Azure Release Pipeline

Fundamentals of SCRUM boards in Azure DevOps

What sprint

Backlogs/Sprint iteration

Module 11: Agile Methodology

How can we create task in Agile

How can we create sprint/work item in Agile?

Public/Private projects.

Module 12: Docker Fundamentals

What isDocker

Why useDocker

Docker Fundamentals &Terminology


Containers vs VirtualMachines

Advantages ofContainers



Module 13: AZURE AKS Fundamentals

What isthe AKS.

How to implement AKS.

How to Deploy the multiple applications on AKS?

How to manage clusters in AKS?

Module 14: Containerization



Module 15: Infrastructure Automation


Module 16: Monitoring

Elastic search


Log stash


Why DevOps:

Business Perspective

IT Perspective

Developer Perspective

Tester Perspective

Operations Perspective


Source Code Management

SCM Tools

What is Git


Work space/ work dir/ work tree




Work space, staging area, buffer area

Local Repo/remote repo

Customer Branching

Release Branching

Merge, stash, fast-forwarding, rebase

Chery-pick, cat-file and hocks

Repositories and Tracking

Git Commands: add, commit, log, push, status, ignore, branch, checkout merge, confict, stash, reset, revert




Plugin Architecture

Extension Points

Getting Plugins

Useful Plugins Overview

Build Tool Plugins

Installing a plugin

Plugin configuration

Security Overview

Finding and Managing Plugins:

The need for plugins

Integrated Code Coverage

Assessing a plugin

Testing Plugins and Plugin Types



What is Docker

Docker Life Cycle

How Docker Containers working

Installing Docker:

Installing Docker on Linux

Working with Containers:

How to create the containers

Docker commands

Theory of pulling and Running Containers

Working with images

Container Life cycle


Build Docker images

Docker push

Docker compose

Docker volumes

Docker cpu

Docker memory

Docker Networking


What is kubernets

Purpose of Kubernets

How kubernets works

Master components, how works

Node Compenents, how works

How pods works

Installations and configuration kubernets cluster

Pod lifecycle

Work with pods

Work with Services

Work with Replica controller

Work with Deployment

How to Releases java application by using RC and Deploy



Infrastructure Automation

What is Infrastructure as Code and why is it needed?

Declarative vs Procedural tools for Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code in the Cloud

Requirements for infrastructure provisioner

Deploying First Server

Preparing work environment

Terraform providers

Configuring AWS provider e. Creating EC2 instance with Terraform

Working with state

Handling resource updates

Module 17: Jenkins

What is the Jenkin.

How to implement Jenkin.

How to Jenkin server.