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Automation testing Selenium with Java

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Course Content




What is Automation Testing?

When to start automation?

When not to go for automation?

What are the advantages of automation testing?

What is Selenium

What are the advantages of selenium?

Difference between Selenium and QTP?

Selenium IDE

What is Selenium IDE

Installing IDE

Record and playback

Converting selenium script into other languages

Batch testing in IDE


Introduction to Java

Installing JDK

Configuring Eclipse IDE

Creating Java Project

Sample Java Program

Classes and Objects

Downloading Selenium server jar

Configuring Selenium into the Java Project

Conditional Statements in Java

Loops in Java

Arrays in Java

Array List in Java

Methods in Java

Utility Functions in Java

Local and Global variables in Java

Static and Instance Variables in Java

Hash Set in Java

Method Overloading in Java

Constructors in Java.

Inheritance in Java

Interfaces in Java.

Packages in Java.

WebDriver Introduction

Browser Launching Automation

Working on Firefox, Chrome, IE

Add on and Methods

Firebug and Fire path

Login functionality test

Locators in WebDriver

Methods in WebDriver


Firefox Profiles

Making WebDriver launch a customized instance of Firefox

Basic HTML notations

Automating Links

Links Testing

Clicking on a link and validating

Capturing all links in a page

Capturing links from a section of the page

Capturing links from a section of the page and validating them.

Links Testing

Visible links and Hidden links

Validating all the links based on href property

Checking for broken links

Automating Dropdowns

Dropdown Testing

Selection an option from the dropdown

Select class to automate dropdown

Capturing all element in a dropdown

Checking if all options in dropdown are working correctly

Validating multiple dropdowns


Types of Xpaths

Relative and Absolute

Creation of relative Xpaths

Creation of Absolute Xpaths

Customizing Xpaths

Handling Dynamic Xpaths

Xpath Axes

Using CSS Selectors

CSS Selectors

Creation of CSS Selectors

Comparison between Xpath and CSS Selectors

Relative and Absolute CSS

Handling Dynamic CSS Selectors


Introduction to TestNG

Configuring TestNG into Eclipse.

Annotations in TestNG.

Prioritizing test cases.

Ignoring Test cases.

Advantages of TestNG.

Using testing.xml

Tab and Popup Automation

Automating Tabs

Automating multiple windows

Handling popup

Handling Alerts


Introduction to Synchronization


Implicit wait

Explicit Wait


What are Ajax Components

Handling Ajax Autosuggestions


Radio Buttons Testing

CheckBoxes Testing

Automating input fields

Actions Class

Advanced user interactions

Mouse Hovering

Right Clicking

Double Clicking

Chain Actions

Drag and drop and element

Automating Slider bar

Automating WebTable

Introduction to WebTable Testing

Handling static WebTable

Handling dynamic WebTable

Automating Datepicker(calendar)

Excel Read/Write

Apache POI

Configuring POI into the project

Interacting with Excel

Read operations on excel

Write operations on excel

Dropdown Testing and storing the results in Excel

WebTable testing and storing the results in excel

Creating Data Driven Framework

Creating Test data excel files

Using the test data to test the web application


Creating a Data Engine to control the automation test suite

Keyword Driven Testing

Creation of Properties File

Object Repository

Creating Actions Keywords Excel file

Reflections in Java to handle keywords

Automating Window Components

Auto IT

Handling Window Components

Installing AutoIT

Notepad Automation

Integrating Auto IT and Selenium

File download using AutoIT

File upload using AutoIT

Version Controlling


Version Controlling

Installing GIt

GIT bash and GIT HUB

Creating a Git local repository

Creating Git Hub account

Uploading into Git hub(push)

Downloading from Git Hub(pull)


Introduction to Maven

Maven local and Global repositories

Creating a maven artifact from command prompt

Configuring maven project into Eclipse

Creating a Maven local repository

Adding Jars into Maven local repository

Stages in Maven.

Configuring Maven from Eclipse plug-in

Maven as a build tool

Grid II

Selenium Grid

What is Grid

Configuring Hub and Nodes

Serial and parallel testing

Cross browser Testing

Cross platform Testing

Customizing the nodes

Using JSON to configure Hub and Nodes

End to End Testing in Grid

Continuous Integration

Different tools for implementing CI


Continuous Integration

Downloading Jenkins

Dashboard of Jenkins

Scheduling the automation build

Sending automated mails when the build executes

Integrating Jenkins with Git.

Parallel testing of selenium programs on multiple browsers and OS using Jenkins


1. Basics of Java

What is Java?

Variable and Datatype in java

Operators in java

Control statements

Strings and Arrays

Access Modifiers and Non-Access Modifiers

2. OOPs Concepts

Advantages of OOP’s

Classes and Objects – concepts of classes, objects, Methods



This and super keywords

Static keyword

Overloading methods and constructors

Inheritance, Benefits of inheritance

Types of Inheritance

Methods overriding



Abstract class


Final keyword

3. Exception Handling


Types of exception

Use of try-catch block in Exception handling

Multiple catch block

Finally block

Throw keyword

Throws keyword

4. Java Collection Framework

Hierarchy of Collection Framework

ArrayList class

LinkedList class

List Interface

HashSet class

HashMap class